The 5 Stages of Sunflowers

Dos Gringos

The 5 Stages of Sunflowers


№ 351

Q and A
- with -
Dos Gringos


Q: What are Sunflower Stages?

A: The “Stages” are how we grade our sunflowers at farm level and during bouquet production.

Q: Why is this important? Doesn’t every client get the same cut stage?

A: That’s a valid question. The answer is no they don’t.

Q: Why not?

A: For a client on the East Coast, we keep their cut stage tighter so it’s retail ready after 4 days on a truck. And for a client, that’s only 2 hours away. We keep their cut stage more open so their sunflowers are retail ready when they arrive.

Q: Ahhh. That makes sense. Can you show us the different cut stages?

A: Of course. And if you’d like your own copy for your stores just ask and we’ll email it right over.

Sunflower Stages

Stage 1

Cut at this stage in the field to decrease petal damage. This is the first stage of the Sunflower, which we call “Tight”.

• When received at this cut stage the most important action is to re-cut the sunflower and put the flower in a vase/bucket that has at least 5 inches of fresh water.

• Takes approx. 2-3 days to go from Stage 1 to Stage 2


Stage 2

This is the second stage of the Sunflower cut which we refer to as the “Opening Stage”. Be prepared to have stems within the bunch open inconsistently (as seen).

• When received at this cut stage the most important action is to make sure the vase/bucket has fresh water (must be changed every 2 days) and is maintained at a consistent temperature (between 55-70 degrees).

• Takes approx. 2-3 days to go from Stage 2 to Stage 3

Stage 3

This is an ideal stage for Sunflowers as they should have a more uniform cup-stage appearance. This third stage is known as the “Blossoming Stage”

• Make sure water has been replaced from initial uptake (stage 2) and re-cut to accelerate opening stage.

• Takes approx. 5-7 days to go from Stage 3 to Stage 4

Stage 4/5
This is the fourth and final stage of the Sunflower and is subsequently names the “Open Stage”. Once it reaches the full-blown stage, petals will begin to fall off.

• When sunflowers reach this stage, they should be kept in low to moderate temperature (55-70 degrees), so they last longer and age less quickly.

• Takes approx. 2-3 days before petals start falling off.